Multicultural Heritage Music Workshop
III. American Multicultural Heritage Dance
Lore, & the Canal Era: Historic
Images Forum
Projects; Culminating &
Sharing Events
Students discover multi-cultural
& historical interrelationships as they become immersed in this vibrant
portrait of Canal Era culture and lore.
Heritage traditions
in music, instruments, folkways, literature, and dance are the creative
artistic centerpieces of this workshop/performance artist residency sequence.
Topics in Social Studies curriculum are also illuminated by music, dance, and
visual arts (including immigration, how 19th c. settlers adapted to
American culture; the importance of waterways in economic development; cultural
impact of canals, and more.) Historic photographs and paintings can be explored
as documents, in a 'Document Based Query' (DBQ) component. Language Arts Skills
are enriched through theatrical performance, tall tales, guided discussions,
and if desired, coordinated teacher-driven student writing projects.
Assembly Program/Workshops may be offered as individual
-or in a Mini-Residency Sequence, -or in context of a custom residency
Mini-residencies may run anywhere from 1 to 5 days. In-depth residencies run 2-3 weeks, and may incorporate student playwriting, instrument building/playing, and other projects. Longer residencies often feature a unifying project goals --- such as a History Pageant or a 19th Century Faire – and can incorporate additional projects such as ballads as oral literature, songwriting, costuming, dance calling. A variety of funding resources are available for residencies; please inquire for application information, guidelines, and deadlines.
1. "15 Miles on the Erie Canal" Participatory Folk Performance
Tall tales, vintage instruments, and actual historic
characters bring history to life in this vibrant, interactive portrait of the
Erie Canal. Crafted in the popular 19th
century style of a 'folk operetta,' this is an authentic performance piece that
totally immerses audiences in the Canal Era, featuring cameo roles,
participatory movement, and favorite canal sing-alongs.
Accompanying their performance on historic
instruments - including hammer dulcimer, banjo, fiddle, hurdy gurdy, and
squeezeboxes - the
Bromkas’ spirited musicality and portrayal of canal personages Captain Simon
Slick and Irish cook Sallie Waters is nurtured by an enthusiasm born of
first-hand memories and a lifetime of fascination with this legendary waterway.
Audiences and Participants will enthusiastically follow their lead as singing
time travelers, accompanied by Sal, the amazing legendary mule (and a guest
from your audience!)
Meets Multiple Learning Standards in
Arts; ELA; Math/Science/Technology; Social Studies
An interactive workshop program crafted to bring to life the
people, culture, & history of the Canal Era, with an emphasis on helping
students discover historical and multicultural interrelationships. Using
masterfully played historical instrument collection as a starting point, the
artists teach across the curriculum, connecting music with history, geography,
immigration, and multicultural topics.
What are the origins of present-day our unique and distinctive
cultural character? How did diverse immigrant cultures become Americanized?
In this up-close, interactive workshop, the artists use their historic
instrument collection to address the importance of immigrant cultural
contributions, transportation, economics, and other social factors important in
the shaping of a region. Whether Irish (harp, bagpipes, pennywhistle), French
(hurdy gurdy), German (hackbrett/ hammered dulcimer), African-American (banjo),
or English (squeezebox)...music clearly imparts the special flavor of each
culture’s unique contribution.
Meets Multiple Learning Standards in
Arts; English Language Arts; Languages Other than English; Occupational;
Math/Science; Social Studies
Part III. Multicultural Dance Heritage Workshop
Meets Multiple Learning Standards in
Arts; English Language Arts; PE; Social Studies
Part IV. Life and Lore Along the Canal: Historic Images
paintings, photographs, maps, and other documents provide an informed and
accurate understanding of what life was like during our Canal Era. In this program, students reflect upon
and discuss a collection of primary source images, to gain appreciation and
understanding of a historian’s techniques and processes. They develop critical
thinking skills as students learn how to build and support concepts with
scaffolding questions, and to extract information to support new ideas.
Participants will leave with an understanding of the important role that canals
played in American history, of the people who came to build them, and how their
lives and culture compare with our own. Limited audience size allows for lively
dialogue that involves students.
Costuming Option:
Students can prepare for their culminating event by learning how to assemble
simple costumes and accessories, as evidenced in the primary source materials
presented in the slide forum.
Meets Multiple Learning Standards in
Arts; ELA; Math/Science/Tech; Social Studies
Part V. In-Depth Projects/Culminating Events: These range from a simple Sharing
Informances by dance workshop participants --- to student collaborative
song-writing, or tall-tale skit-writing activities and performances --- to thematic
Historic Faires or Canal Festivals. Residencies may also incorporate heritage
instrument building and/or playing. Request more information from artists.
Assessment Rubrics, dbq project worksheets, & other teaching resources can be
developed by artists for longterm residencies, according to specific projects
and needs
Bells & Motley Olden Music and Storytelling.
Sondra Bromka, John Bromka
36 South St Marcellus NY 13108 www.bellsandmotley.com info@bellsandmotley.com
This www.bellsandmotley.com web site and its content is the exclusive property of Sondra Bromka and John Bromka.
©2016 Sondra Bromka. All rights reserved
in all media.